Sunday, May 31, 2009

Amusement from other people's misfortune

Fuck My Life. One of my favourite procrastination websites, and it's especially helpful when you're having a bad day. The idea is that you look through the FML's and have a good laugh, realising that a lot of people have had much shittier days than you. You can sort the FML's to show the top rated first, and even create an account so you can create your own FML's and save your favourites to have another chuckle at later on.

One of my personal faves:

- This man must've consumed a bacon explosion recently

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Killing Kittens = Good Procrastination

Let me start by saying that it's not as sick and twisted as it sounds. It's Kitten Cannon, a flash game where the sole objective is to fire a kitten as far as possible. The general consensus throughout the comments is that it's very addictive but kinda cruel. The game does have a 90% thumbs up rating though, so it can't be all that bad, right?

For me, this game has been the ultimate procrastination tool. It's oh so simple and super fun.

That's my highest score to date. What's yours?

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Insanity in the form of bacon...

The bacon explosion. Holy crap. Just typing it out right now  makes me want to stick  my hair in a power point, turn it on, see what happens... This thing is like a deity. You love it and fear it at the same time. I have yet to try it for myself, but I will soon, I'm sure. In the meantime, if anyone else  would like to give it a shot, give me feedback and photos!

Mmmm... baby I love you but... fuck, you scare me.

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Ice Cream Creation... YUS!

Ben and Jerry's is currently running a promotion where you design your own ice cream. They then pick a winning ice cream which will actually become a Ben and Jerry's product. Unfortunately the competition is only open to people in countries where Ben and Jerry's is actually sold, but it's damn fun to do anyway. Give it a whirl...

Do the World a Flavor

Here's one I prepared earlier...

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