Monday, August 31, 2009

The lamer the better

This one's pretty much the facebook version of failblog. It shows a variety of terrible facebook wall posts, status updates, photos and the like that will leave you lol-ing and cringing.


WARNING: This is what I like to call a weapon of mass procrastination. Do not go any further if you have an assignment/report/something important due tomorrow morning.

But seriously, ignore my warning and head to Lamebook for more!

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

The 5 Best Flashmobs on Youtube

In no particular order, I bring to your attention the 5 best flashmobs on youtube.

Frozen Grand Central
One of the most famous and most watched flashmobs on youtube (so far over 18m views). This one was pulled off by the pioneers of of the modern flashmob, Improv Everywhere, in Grand Central Station, New York (click link to see more of Improv Everywhere's stunts and mobs).

The T-mobile Dance
Another flashmob with over 10m views on youtube and one of the best viral marketing campaigns I know of. This one was organised by T-mobile in the UK and pulled off in Liverpool Street Station (I guess train stations are the in-place for flashmobs?).

Latvian Folk Dance
Not many views on this one, but it was only done a few days ago (20 August 2009), so I'm sure it'll go viral pretty soon! This one features a birds-eye-view shot on the mob which makes it look even cooler. Fancy.

Michael Jackson Tribute
There are many MJ Tribute flashmobs in different locations around the world floating about youtube. This is one that happened in Stockholm, Sweden. It's not strictly a flashmob due to the apparent forewarning, judging by the gathered audience, but still pretty sweet!

The Sound of Music with a Twist
I believe this one's in the Netherlands, can't really tell... but awesome none the less!

Anyone have a better flashmob and wish to prove me wrong? Post the URL in the comments below!

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Some quirky news for ya

Man stole motorbike - part by part

A Chinese man was arrested for stealing a motorcycle - part by part over five years from the factory where he worked.

Mototcycle factory /PA pics

Zhang, an assembly line worker in a motorcycle factory in Chongqing, had always wanted his own motorbike but could never afford one.

He started stealing parts from the factory warehouse and assembling them at home in 2003, reports the Chongqing Times.

"I don't have that much money, so I came up with the idea of taking the parts home and assembling them on my own," said Zhang.

After five years, he had finally built himself a brand new SUV motorcycle and proudly started driving it on the road.

But, almost immediately, he was pulled up by police who discovered that he had no driving licence or paperwork for the bike.

Zhang admitted theft and was fined the equivalent of £440, put on probation for a year, and ordered to return the motorcycle to the factory.


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Thursday, August 20, 2009

If websites were people...

I was creeping around the tunnels of the internet like the critter I am and found this little gem:

See the full size version.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Europe Test

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been quite busy lately, but I've found this fucking sweet video you must see. I swear this shit is going viral soon so be one of the first to see it! It'll make you lol, cringe and cry with despair all at the same time. I like to call it the lolcrynge.

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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Crazy is as crazy emails

A somewhat similar venture to Emails from an Asshole, but definately worth knowing about, is Emails From Crazy People. This one is full of user sumbitted what-the-fuck-crazy-for-real email conversations. A brilliant time waster if you have an assignment due tomorrow.

Heres a shining example of what you may expect (not actually an email, but suitably crazy):
Teachers. You respect them when you're a child and they are so much bigger than you... but in a few years you come to realise the idiots that some of them really are.

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