Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My baby looks like a gender confused prostitute

Morph Thing is one of the many marvellous time wasters I've thrown away much of my precious life exploring. They have a gallery filled with portraits of famous people that you can morph together to make super celebrity hybrids. What more could you want on a Thursday evening?! You can also upload your own pictures and morph yourself with celebrities or friends and produce rough impressions of what your babies could look like. You could even morph pictures of yourself and that guy you're madly in love with but are to scared to talk to him so I just stalk him on facebook and print his pictures out and put them on my wall and see what our babies will look like when I manage to acquire some of his sperm cells and artificially inseminate myself. 

But that's a bit creepy. Seriously people. Get a life.

Anyway, this is the ugly mo fo that would be the result of me fornicating with Johnny Depp. Kinda puts me off the idea a bit... Looks like a she-male prossy called Shaniqua...

Visit Morph Thing HERE and make your own retarded/beautiful-in-their-own-way celebrity babies.

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