We've all had jobs where we have to deal with that small percentage of crazy customers. Not Always Right is a site packed with user-submitted conversation transcripts between nutty customers (who are not, in fact, always right) and those poor sods behind the counter. It'll make you superlol and reading it will most likely take up hours of your precious time. Success!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Bitching customers make me want to eat babies.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Not to blow one's own trumpet...
Following on from the post about Doodurls, I'll let you in on my new little project called Weezle Scribbles. It's basically a record of my in-class doodles. I may not update it often but check it out on Monday-Wednesday especially, because that's when I have my boring classes and the doodle juices get flowing (whoa that sounded disgusting).
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sorry to be a gushing little fan girl but...
I think this kiwi boy, Levi Beamish, is my new favourite internet celeb. He's most famous on youtube, where his channel has a strong following of over 22,000 subscribers and around half a million views. He makes nifty, funny wee videos of out of this world storytelling and random bits and pieces. Oh yeah and he's ridiculously good looking, I mean, this guys got marriage proposals flying at him like arrows. Let me show you why:
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
What I ACTUALLY do when I'm bored in class
I doodle.
And I've found an appropriate site on which to share my doodle content with the world... Doodurls!
You can scroll through all the submitted doodles, comment on them, submit your own, that kinda jazz.
They've even featured one of my creations on Doodurls:
Click one of the links to be taken to a magical world of more doodles and wonder :-D
Sunday, September 6, 2009
A tribute to my namesake
As you may have observed, this website/blog/boredom-reduction-tool is called Weezle Hunt. At face value, this appears to imply that I hunt weasels (which I CAN actually spell correctly!). Although this is not usually the case, today is a bit special. Today on Weezle Hunt, I bring you a cute, funny, entertaining video tribute to the fascinating creatures we like to call Weasels. Enjoy.
P.S. I am aware that these are in fact ferrets ;-)