Thursday, October 22, 2009

My kinda man..

This guy..

PS: I just realised I haven't posted in over a month ='( I'm so sorry! Exams have rolled around now though so expect a bit more - it's procrastination season!

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Bitching customers make me want to eat babies.

We've all had jobs where we have to deal with that small percentage of crazy customers. Not Always Right is a site packed with user-submitted conversation transcripts between nutty customers (who are not, in fact, always right) and those poor sods behind the counter. It'll make you superlol and reading it will most likely take up hours of your precious time. Success!

Check out the rest of it here.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Not to blow one's own trumpet...

Following on from the post about Doodurls, I'll let you in on my new little project called Weezle Scribbles. It's basically a record of my in-class doodles. I may not update it often but check it out on Monday-Wednesday especially, because that's when I have my boring classes and the doodle juices get flowing (whoa that sounded disgusting).

Check the Weezle Scribbles here.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sorry to be a gushing little fan girl but...

I think this kiwi boy, Levi Beamish, is my new favourite internet celeb. He's most famous on youtube, where his channel has a strong following of over 22,000 subscribers and around half a million views. He makes nifty, funny wee videos of out of this world storytelling and random bits and pieces. Oh yeah and he's ridiculously good looking, I mean, this guys got marriage proposals flying at him like arrows. Let me show you why:

And you can check out his channel here

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What I ACTUALLY do when I'm bored in class

I doodle.


And I've found an appropriate site on which to share my doodle content with the world... Doodurls!

You can scroll through all the submitted doodles, comment on them, submit your own, that kinda jazz.
They've even featured one of my creations on Doodurls:

Click one of the links to be taken to a magical world of more doodles and wonder :-D

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

A tribute to my namesake

As you may have observed, this website/blog/boredom-reduction-tool is called Weezle Hunt. At face value, this appears to imply that I hunt weasels (which I CAN actually spell correctly!). Although this is not usually the case, today is a bit special. Today on Weezle Hunt, I bring you a cute, funny, entertaining video tribute to the fascinating creatures we like to call Weasels. Enjoy.

P.S. I am aware that these are in fact ferrets ;-)

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Monday, August 31, 2009

The lamer the better

This one's pretty much the facebook version of failblog. It shows a variety of terrible facebook wall posts, status updates, photos and the like that will leave you lol-ing and cringing.


WARNING: This is what I like to call a weapon of mass procrastination. Do not go any further if you have an assignment/report/something important due tomorrow morning.

But seriously, ignore my warning and head to Lamebook for more!

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

The 5 Best Flashmobs on Youtube

In no particular order, I bring to your attention the 5 best flashmobs on youtube.

Frozen Grand Central
One of the most famous and most watched flashmobs on youtube (so far over 18m views). This one was pulled off by the pioneers of of the modern flashmob, Improv Everywhere, in Grand Central Station, New York (click link to see more of Improv Everywhere's stunts and mobs).

The T-mobile Dance
Another flashmob with over 10m views on youtube and one of the best viral marketing campaigns I know of. This one was organised by T-mobile in the UK and pulled off in Liverpool Street Station (I guess train stations are the in-place for flashmobs?).

Latvian Folk Dance
Not many views on this one, but it was only done a few days ago (20 August 2009), so I'm sure it'll go viral pretty soon! This one features a birds-eye-view shot on the mob which makes it look even cooler. Fancy.

Michael Jackson Tribute
There are many MJ Tribute flashmobs in different locations around the world floating about youtube. This is one that happened in Stockholm, Sweden. It's not strictly a flashmob due to the apparent forewarning, judging by the gathered audience, but still pretty sweet!

The Sound of Music with a Twist
I believe this one's in the Netherlands, can't really tell... but awesome none the less!

Anyone have a better flashmob and wish to prove me wrong? Post the URL in the comments below!

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Some quirky news for ya

Man stole motorbike - part by part

A Chinese man was arrested for stealing a motorcycle - part by part over five years from the factory where he worked.

Mototcycle factory /PA pics

Zhang, an assembly line worker in a motorcycle factory in Chongqing, had always wanted his own motorbike but could never afford one.

He started stealing parts from the factory warehouse and assembling them at home in 2003, reports the Chongqing Times.

"I don't have that much money, so I came up with the idea of taking the parts home and assembling them on my own," said Zhang.

After five years, he had finally built himself a brand new SUV motorcycle and proudly started driving it on the road.

But, almost immediately, he was pulled up by police who discovered that he had no driving licence or paperwork for the bike.

Zhang admitted theft and was fined the equivalent of £440, put on probation for a year, and ordered to return the motorcycle to the factory.


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Thursday, August 20, 2009

If websites were people...

I was creeping around the tunnels of the internet like the critter I am and found this little gem:

See the full size version.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Europe Test

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been quite busy lately, but I've found this fucking sweet video you must see. I swear this shit is going viral soon so be one of the first to see it! It'll make you lol, cringe and cry with despair all at the same time. I like to call it the lolcrynge.

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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Crazy is as crazy emails

A somewhat similar venture to Emails from an Asshole, but definately worth knowing about, is Emails From Crazy People. This one is full of user sumbitted what-the-fuck-crazy-for-real email conversations. A brilliant time waster if you have an assignment due tomorrow.

Heres a shining example of what you may expect (not actually an email, but suitably crazy):
Teachers. You respect them when you're a child and they are so much bigger than you... but in a few years you come to realise the idiots that some of them really are.

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wedding Gone Viral

I've found something cool! ...which probably doesn't surprise you. I have too much time on my hands. This is a video of a wedding ceremony entrance with style, humour, and an overdose of cool. The video has gone viral with nearly 7.5 million views in its first 8 days on the internet. Check it out:

Do you reckon he punched the bride afterwards?

Was that question witty or inappropriate?

YOU decide.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Disproportionate Faces Scare Me.

Fellow blog The Fire Wire has put together a bunch of pictures of what cartoons would look like if they were real. This one is truly a pearler.

Hottest 'real' cartoon goes to Jessica Rabbit:

Scariest/weirdest looking 'real' cartoon goes to Homer Simpson:

See the rest of the untooned toons HERE.

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Classifieds Beware!

If you list a classified ad on the internet or in your local newspaper, beware of people like this guy... Emails From an Asshole is a series of hilarious email exchanges between the anonymous creator of and some unsuspecting members of the public via their classified ads.

To see the rest of this email exchange and to see other superlolzor exchanges, click here.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

WARNING: Content may cause arousal or disgust.

Humour site have put together a list of The 25 Most Disturbing Sex Toys. I usually try to keep my content reasonably clean (by the standards of the internet anyway), but this one is toeing the line a bit... So, before you read any further, I will warn you that this may destroy innocence and cause nightmares (or nice dreams depending on your perspective). It is not for the faint hearted. You may stop reading now if you wish...

BUT, if you have a sick, twisted sense of humour like me, you'll be filled to the brim with anticipation and keep reading.

The list gives a picture of the toy and brief description of how it is used. The toys range from funny, to offensive, to painful, to downright weird. The most distasteful and offensive (but frankly hilarious) toy in my opinion was #21 - The Baby Jesus Butt Plug.
Some people have a fetish for having their saviour in infant form wedged in their rear end...?

See the full list HERE (remember, you have been warned).

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Friday, July 10, 2009

It's the smo-o-o-o-o-oke

I found a pearler of a video. It's part of the Auto Tune the News Series (the best one in my opinion). I won't tell you much, it speaks for itself...

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Oooohhhhh Shit...

So I've been slacking off a bit lately, let's just call it a holiday... but I'm back to bring you the funniest, most interesting, best time-wasting bits and bobs on the internet. Today, I'm hooking you up with a new, brilliant love of mine - Bacon Babble. This blog is a mix of my two favourite things ever; humour and bacon. They recently compiled a bunch of photos of the best 'Oh Shit' moments on the internet, such as this one:

Take a look at the rest.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Too much information...

Ever looked at a tweet or a facebook status update and gone "WHOA. Did. not. need. to. know."?

I ceratinely have.
If you enjoyed the experience, you'll probably enjoy Oversharers, a site filled to the brim with user-submitted screen shots and stories of people 'Oversharing'.

Here's a recently submitted tweet on the site:

Yes. That is John Mayer, the famous musician.

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fugly Ink

Some tattoos are cool. Some tattoos are cute. Some tattoos are badass.

But SOME tattoos are just downright UGLY.

Ugliest Tattoos is a website devoted to pictures of poorly drawn, poorly spelled and just plain stupid tattoos that some idiots are going to be stuck with for life.

One of my personal spine tinglers is the troll:

Visit Ugliest Tattoos HERE.

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

This is why I'm fat

Some of you may remember when I posted a link to the website This is Why You're Fat. I scrolled through that whole site gazing over the culinary miracles before my eyes. I wanted to try them. All of them. Each and every one. I was gutted at the absense of recipes. Some of the food on display, however, seemed quite simple. Simple enough to try out...

One stood out in particular. The McGangBang. Two friends and I decided to give this a shot, so we skipped down to our local McDonalds at about 1am.

Voila le McGangBang:

It's quite simple:
Get a McDonalds Double Cheeseburger.
Pull it apart at the patties.
Slap a McChicken in the middle.
Put it together again and enjoy that filthy mother fucker.

My McGangBang after I'd taken a few bites (and Tom bombing the photo):

It tasted good. So good. So mother fucking good. But this little culinary treat comes with a warning. It does fucked up shit to your body. The side effects we experienced were: Chest pain, bloatedness, increased heart rate, and weird shit happening to your digestive system that I don't really want to go into much detail about.

Give it a shot, but have the emergency number ready just in case.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Obama-mania gone weird

When Barack Obama was elected president of the USA in late 2008, Obama-mania swept the world. People cried with joy and hugged strangers in the street. Fair enough. Some Japanese toymaker brought out a Barack Obama action figure.

No surprises there. We all saw it coming.

But then shit got a bit weird...

I don't even know what the fuck he's doing in this one...

See the full set of photos of Obama in various weeeiiiird (but hilarious) poses HERE.

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

2222 Toothpicks = How many trees?

As years pass and the procrastination movement gets exponentially stronger, world records just keep getting wackier. George Gaspar holds the world record for holding the most toothpicks in his beard... 2222 toothpicks. Yes. Two thousand, two hundred and twenty two.
Watch the video...

And see the article on the Universal Record Database here.

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Improv Everywhere are a group from New York who pull public stunts for fun. This one wasn't so much of a stunt, just a super cool thing to do. They gave some random newlyweds who they didn't even know a surprise wedding reception! Watch the video, it'll melt your heart...

To check out some of Improv Everywhere's other cool, crazy and hilarious stunts, click here.

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Monday, June 8, 2009

"Where dreams become heart attacks..."

This is a website devoted to the most disgustingly fatty/sugary/salty but god damn delicious food in the world. Scroll through and feast your eyes on pictures that will make your mouth water but your arteries cry out for mercy.

My personal favourite is the deep fried cheeseburger on a stick. Om nom nom...

Visit This is Why You're Fat HERE

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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Valuable Spider

David Thorne was a bit short of cash and behind in paying his bills. He received a letter reminding him to pay the $233.95 that he owed. He replied:

I do not have any money so am sending you this drawing I did of a spider instead.
I value the drawing at $233.95 so trust that this settles the matter.

The story made news reports and radio talk shows around the world. See the full email exchange between David and the company at his website here.
While you're there, take some time to have a look at his other articles and email exchanges, you will laugh til you cry... guaranteed.

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Friday, June 5, 2009

Edible networking strategy?!

Being a marketing student, I learn a lot about consumer wants and needs...

Who the fuck wants or needs business cards made of meat?!

Words... Fail... Me...

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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Why are you really here? BECAUSE I'M BORED!

Here is the trailer for Minesweeper: The Movie. Hilarious stuff from the super cool peeps at College Humour. Check it out...

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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My baby looks like a gender confused prostitute

Morph Thing is one of the many marvellous time wasters I've thrown away much of my precious life exploring. They have a gallery filled with portraits of famous people that you can morph together to make super celebrity hybrids. What more could you want on a Thursday evening?! You can also upload your own pictures and morph yourself with celebrities or friends and produce rough impressions of what your babies could look like. You could even morph pictures of yourself and that guy you're madly in love with but are to scared to talk to him so I just stalk him on facebook and print his pictures out and put them on my wall and see what our babies will look like when I manage to acquire some of his sperm cells and artificially inseminate myself. 

But that's a bit creepy. Seriously people. Get a life.

Anyway, this is the ugly mo fo that would be the result of me fornicating with Johnny Depp. Kinda puts me off the idea a bit... Looks like a she-male prossy called Shaniqua...

Visit Morph Thing HERE and make your own retarded/beautiful-in-their-own-way celebrity babies.

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

That's what she said

Oh yes, she did just say that. This is the Overheard series of websites. They're websites with a collection of quoted weird and hilarious overheard conversations in public spaces. Lots of places have their own Overheard website. Why, even little New Zealand has its own Overheard site.

On of my favourite Overheards comes from Overheard in New York:

Sick cop to another: The way I see it, you've got seven holes in your head. If you don't wanna get sick, you just gotta keep your fingers out of those seven holes. Then you'll be good.

Here's the collection of Overheard websites I've found: 
Overheard in...
Dublin (Most of the ones here are even written in a cute leprechaun-slang kind of dialect)

They're definitely worth a look if you're bored/procrastinating/wanting some lols.

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I love smashing penguins into pulp

Bloody Penguin Toss. This game is a bit of a variation on Kitten Cannon. It involves a penguin being pitched to a yeti, who then proceeds to smash it with a spiked club as far as it can go, with the help of a few land mines along the way. Blood everywhere, as you can well imagine. This is the kind of game for people who enjoy bludgeoning endangered species to death, but don't want to deal with the implications of the law (quite a niche market I would think). 

My high score is somewhere in the 700's - not overly impressive. Give it a go and post your high scores below :D

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Don Hertzfeldt has issues

If you've got 9 minutes and 21 seconds to kill (or maybe you don't but want to kill it anyway), this is the perfect way to do so. Here is a cartoon created by Don Hertzfeldt. It's hilarious in very absurd ways. Enjoy.

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Monday, June 1, 2009

Keeping Warm this Winter

For those of us lucky enough to live in the southern hemisphere, winter is rearing its butt-ugly head and giving us all the willies. Fortunatley you can find a few solutions to the cold on the majestic, all powerful, all knowing internet. Give those shitty, oversized power bills a big, wet kiss goodbye.

Remember when you used to have sleeping bag races as kids? Or maybe you don't. But I do. If only I had one of these, I would've totally owned those races. This is a wearable sleeping bag with sleeves and legs that zip up, and a lovely snuggly hood. This item is sure to keep you warm, but the price will give you the chills - US$124.20. If anyone does decide to invest in this, be sure to post a review in the form of a comment below.

A massive fleecy blanket... with SLEEVES :D This thing looks so god damn comfy and warm; I'd totally buy one if my overdraft wasn't nearly at its limit. The Slanket won't set you back as much as the Selk Bag, at a cost of US$56.50 for the full sized version. 

Learn The "Single Ladies" Dance
There's no cheaper, easier way to warm yourself up than to get up and move around a bit. Grab yourself a copy of "Single Ladies" by Beyonce and learn the dance from the video. This charming young man is here to help you. Go on, give it a shot.

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Innovation? Or just a high-tech pedophilia gadget?

Switched, a news/blog site on all things geeky and technological. They've just released a very interesting piece on 8 Weird GPS Devices. 

One of the weirdest of weird in my opinion is the GPS School Uniform. That's right, devices sewn into kids school uniforms to track their location. Innovative, maybe, for those suspicious parents who want to know their child's every move, but maybe just a teensy weensy bit of privacy invasion...? And if some charming man with a socially frowned-upon fetish managed to access this GPS data? 

But anyway, it's a quirky invention none the less.

See the full list of 8 Weird GPS Devices HERE.

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Eminem gets some Bruno treatment

Some footage from the MTV Movie Awards, 2009. Eminem gets a lovely surprise from the great Sacha Baron Cohen as Bruno. Take a squiz...

Was that scripted? Or did Eminem really get an unexpected faceful?
YOU be the judge :D

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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Amusement from other people's misfortune

Fuck My Life. One of my favourite procrastination websites, and it's especially helpful when you're having a bad day. The idea is that you look through the FML's and have a good laugh, realising that a lot of people have had much shittier days than you. You can sort the FML's to show the top rated first, and even create an account so you can create your own FML's and save your favourites to have another chuckle at later on.

One of my personal faves:

- This man must've consumed a bacon explosion recently

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Killing Kittens = Good Procrastination

Let me start by saying that it's not as sick and twisted as it sounds. It's Kitten Cannon, a flash game where the sole objective is to fire a kitten as far as possible. The general consensus throughout the comments is that it's very addictive but kinda cruel. The game does have a 90% thumbs up rating though, so it can't be all that bad, right?

For me, this game has been the ultimate procrastination tool. It's oh so simple and super fun.

That's my highest score to date. What's yours?

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Insanity in the form of bacon...

The bacon explosion. Holy crap. Just typing it out right now  makes me want to stick  my hair in a power point, turn it on, see what happens... This thing is like a deity. You love it and fear it at the same time. I have yet to try it for myself, but I will soon, I'm sure. In the meantime, if anyone else  would like to give it a shot, give me feedback and photos!

Mmmm... baby I love you but... fuck, you scare me.

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Ice Cream Creation... YUS!

Ben and Jerry's is currently running a promotion where you design your own ice cream. They then pick a winning ice cream which will actually become a Ben and Jerry's product. Unfortunately the competition is only open to people in countries where Ben and Jerry's is actually sold, but it's damn fun to do anyway. Give it a whirl...

Do the World a Flavor

Here's one I prepared earlier...

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